Alachua County Eagles, Osprey and Snail Kites
For Lynn’s birthday, she wanted to take Eagle pics. So we arranged to spend the day with Dick Vautrinot on a lake in Alachua County known for many nesting pairs of Bald Eagles. And we definitely saw Eagles! From adults all the way to this years Eaglets that just started learning to fly. Mixed in with the Eagles were Osprey. There were quite a few males catching fish and then showing them off to any of the females nearby. But they need to watch out. Not only will the Eagles try to steal the fish, but also other Osprey. Finally as the day went on, we saw a lot of snail kites. They have recently started to populate the lake we were on and gave a spectacular show taking off searching for their target meal, Apple Snails.
One of the first Eagles we saw that day. There's so much Spanish Moss in the trees around the lake that make a gorgeous background
Bald Eagle eyeing the lake
A pair of Bald Eagles taking off from a tree top
Immature Bald Eagle rising up to land in a tree
You can see by the dark end of the beak that this is a very young Eagle
A sub-adult Bald Eagle banking in flight. You can see the head is starting to turn white
Sub-adult Bald Eagle came down to fish but pulled up as it neared the water
Bald Eagles defend their territory by locking talons in the air often resulting in upside down flight
This female Snail Kite looks a surprised to see us as we were to see her
Female Snail Kite on the look out
Snail Kite taking off very close to the boat
This male Osprey caught a fish and attempts to leave with it…
Attempting to take off with its fish, but wait. Is that another Osprey nearby? …
And the chase is on! See the fish tail under the tail feathers of the lead Osprey?
Better hurry up! The talons are coming down for the steal attempt
It’s a close race, but the Osprey with the fish wins and gets to keep its meal
“The bird that never moves” sitting in its usual spot. But what’s that going on behind us?
It seems an immature Bald Eagle caught a fish and got the attention of another immature looking to take it away.
You can see the fish tucked up tight in the talons right under the tail feathers on the lower Eagle
The would be thief lowers its talons to go for the steal…
The Eagle with the fish moves it forward away from the thief as it sinks its talons into its back
Oh no! The fish slipped out of it talons!
The Eagle’s yelling, the fish is yelling and everyone ended up empty taloned
After the Eagle action, we came across another female Snail Kite
The Snail Kite landed on a root as it rested for more hunting
Female Snail Kite rising up to land in a branch high up above the lake
This female Snail Kite looks pretty happy
Snail Kite taking off
Female Snail Kite resting on a low branch
Juvenile Snail Kite. Males and females look similar when they’re young. The males turn almost black while the females get lighter when they mature
Snail Kite racing an Ibis, and winning!
Snail Kite taking off
The branch this Snail Kite was on seems too small to hold it up
Snail Kites have red eyes that glow in the right light. You can start to see the red as this one flys by
You can see the red eyes even better here
Another take off into beautiful light
Female Snail Kite with a mouth full of Apple Snail
Snail Kite resting on a stump right above the water
Taking off right straight at us on the boat
Freshly caught Apple Snail
Snail Kite lift off with an Apple Snail
Flying right at us with an Apple Snail
Snail Kite getting almost too close!
Female Snail Kite in gorgeous light
Look at that wingspan as it banks
Snail Kite sitting in the trees
Taking off to go hunting
Male Snail Kite turning towards us
Male Snail Kite flying at us with his glowing red eyes
This male Snail Kite is not quite fully mature. He still has some of the lighter markings mixed in with the black adult coloring
Look how the sunlight makes that eye glow red
As he flys past, the male Snail Kite turns and looks right at me
Female Snail Kite resting close to the water as the sun gets lower in the sky
Snail Kite taking off
Female Snail Kite getting back into the air
Sitting above all of the Snail Kite action were these adult Bald Eagles
As we headed in, this sub-adult Bald Eagle made a pass out over the lake
Wow! What a great day! We saw so much beautiful wildlife in an “Old Florida” setting. We need to conserve areas like this throughout the state so that we can enjoy nature undisturbed with great people like we did today. If you want to tour the lake like we did, check out Dick Vautrinot at