Joe Overstreet Rd
On Saturday we took a ride down to Joe Overstreet Rd in Kenansville, FL. The action again this time was on the road heading in (Canoe Creek Rd). There were some Wild Turkeys, Bald Eagles and a Cara Cara dining on some road kill…
There was a big flock of wild Turkeys off of Canoe Creek Rd. The Tom puffed up for us a few times.
A puffed up Tom with some hens
The truck driving by got the Tom alerted up again
The wild Turkeys have an iridescence in their feathers
Wild Turkey looking at what’s going on with the other Turkeys across the road.
Looking back to the other Turkey in the field with it.
Bald Eagle sitting on a power pole on Canoe Creek Rd
The Bald Eagle spotted me hiding behind the car
Bald Eagle liftoff
Bald Eagle in flight
Sub-adult Bald Eagle coming in to land on a power pole. Looks to be about 3.5-4 years old with the adult colors almost there.
Cara Cara with a mouth full of road kill flying past
Cara Cara flying by
Cara Cara flying very close past
Cara Cara almost right overhead as it flew past with its breakfast
Lesser Yellowlegs taking off when an airboat trailer went by
Tree Swallow in flight near the lake
Tree Swallow about to eat a bug in midair
Little Blue Heron taking flight over the field by the lake
Bald Eagle seeing who’s over there watching it
Red Headed Woodpecker
With all of the Bald Eagles in the area now, there should be a lot of action starting in the next couple of weeks when the eggs start hatching. There will be a lot of hungry mouths to feed!