Joe Overstreet Road

Yesterday I went to Joe Overstreet Road for the first time in a while. You never know what you’ll see there, but there’s always something. Most of the action this day was a ways out. That said, there were some cool birds that I did come across…


Bald Eagle guarding the nest.  I only saw this one.  Not sure if the other is sitting on eggs in the nest where it can’t be seen or off gathering.

Sandhill Crane is out for a walk seeing what the local cows were up to

As a pair of adult Bald Eagles flew overhead, the Eagle on guard let out warning calls for them to go away.

There are a couple of nests in the trees near the field across from the lake.  This Eagle was flying near them

A female Northern Harrier flew past the docks only one time

A Limpkin flys low over the grass by the lake

Not the best photo of a male Snail Kite as he was a ways out hunting for Apple Snails

Bald Eagle takes a break on a sign out on the lake

Lifting off from the sign…

…and flying away

Tri-colored Heron flying into the grassy area near the lake

A pair of Bald Eagles sitting in their tree overlooking the lake

Snowy Egret watching over things from the boat launch

Wild Turkeys out in the sod field near the start of Joe Overstreet Rd


Joe Overstreet Rd always has great wildlife. It varies from day to day what you’ll see there. That’s what makes it so great going there. The adventure continues!


Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive


The Gray Ghost