Out on the Lake

Yesterday was a great day out on a lake in Central Florida. There are a lot of Bald Eagles that have come back, getting ready to start their new families in a month or so. The Kingfishers were also there buzzing up and down the shoreline.


A male Kingfisher flying fast and low to the water

This Great Blue Heron starting out a foggy morning in its favorite spot

A Bald Eagle watching out over the lake.  The fall colors make them blend into the trees

Male Kingfisher pausing to search for fish below

Red Shouldered Hawk watching us pass below

Bald Eagle jumping off from its perch

Bald Eagle sitting atop a dead tree by the lake

Bald Eagle flying away behind the trees

Female Kingfisher flying fast

Female Kingfisher slowing up for a landing

“The Bird that never moves” had some interesting expressions this morning…

… a little scrunchy…

…a concerned look…

…a not to sure about this look

A diving Kingfisher

Bald Eagle lifting off from a lakeside tree

Bald Eagle flying off

A Tern flying in to a popular spot

Bald Eagle jumping off a tree

Bald Eagle dropping down as it flys off

Bald Eagle soaring over the lake

This pair of Bald Eagles recently returned to the lake

Bald Eagle family portrait

Bald Eagle with a fresh fish

Female Kingfisher flying through some low brush

Juvenile Bald Eagle flying over the lake

Bald Eagle hiding up in the pine trees

Sometimes you fly down to take off

This Eagle looks like an olympic diver as it takes flight

Eastern Phoebe searching for bugs…

…and returning with breakfast!

Another pair of Bald Eagles

Bald Eagle sitting in the shady, mossy oaks

Male Kingfisher resting with its catch in its mouth

Male Kingfisher flying off with his tiny fish

Bald Eagle saying goodbye for now


This is a great time of year to go out looking for Bald Eagles. Most all of the migratory ones are back, prepping their nests for this years Eaglettes. Usually they hatch around the end of December. That’s when the real action starts as one of the adults is always at the nest with them and everyone needs to eat. We’ll be going out again to capture that action once it starts!


Merritt Island


Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive