Southwest Florida Owls and Eagles
On Sunday we went to Cape Coral to see the Burrowing Owls and the Southwest Florida Eagles M15 and F23. It was a cloudy chilly day and the owls weren’t very active. However, things were different at the Eagles nest. They have a little on, E23, that needs to eat. M15 and F23. put on a great show flying around near the nest. As a bonus for the day, as we returned home, we were able to watch the local Bald Eagles fly around over their nest!
Cape Coral Burrowing Owls
Burrowing Owl watching me
Burrowing Owls keeping watch
Burrowing owls usually look in different directions to observe more area, but not always
Very cute Burrowing Owl
Burrowing Owl hunkered down
Burrowing Owl sitting deeper in its nest
That’s a serious looking stare
Some Burrowing Owls have very dark eyes
The dark eyed Owls even have a smaller area of dark yellow
This Burrowing Owl looks surprised
Now that’s a look!
Standing tell to get a better look
Another very serious look
Southwest Florida Eagles M15 and F23
M15 seen flying through trees as he returns to the nest
M15 returning with nesting materials
M15 on approach to the nest with new nesting material
M15 lands in the nest as F23 watches
M15 flew to the field by the driveway. I could only see him through the fence from where I was standing
M15 takes of from the field
M15 with a lot of confidence in the branch he’s about to land on
M15 preening
M15 doing more preening
M15 preening some longer feathers
Preening time is over! Time for M15 to take flight
M15 banking as he makes a turn over the trees
M15 appears to be looking right at me as he flys back to the nest
M15 flying in front of the far trees
Fast flying M15
M15 proudly flying by
M15 returning to the nest tree
M15 watching over the nest
F23 circling the nest with a piece of fish
F23 flying past the nest tree with a piece of fish
F23 flying very close overhead
F23 turning back to return to the nest
F23 flying between trees as she returns to the nest
F23 landing back into the nest
F23 tends to E23 (not seen in this photo) while M15 watches over them
M15 watches over his family in the nest below
M15 in front of one of the webcams
M15 preening again
M15 puffing up for some deep feather cleaning
M15 shaking out after preening
M15 taking flight again
M15 clearing the nest tree
M15 tucks his feet up as he begins his flight
Closeup of M15 Flying by
M15 flying
M15 flying overhead
M15 flying so close overhead I could not fit all of him in the frame
F23 sitting in the nest with E23 (not seen here) waiting for M15 to return
Citrus County Eagles
One of the Bald Eagles near our house circling its nest
The pair of Bald Eagles passing each other in the air
Bald Eagle flying in the sun
Bald Eagle looking down at it nest as it flys over
Bald Eagle in flight
Bald Eagle with its wings and tail in full spread
Bald Eagle banking in flight
Bald Eagle slowing down as it returns to its nest
Bald Eagle banking in the afternoon sun
That was a full day with an unexpected finish! Raptors of all sizes and types are fun to watch and photograph. Here in Florida they’re all over, both near and far. Just knowing when and where to look for them is all it takes to enjoy them in action.