Alachua County Eagles

I went out on a lake in Alachua County Florida today that is know for having a large number of nesting Bald Eagles. There were over 25 that I saw today. For the most part, they were resting in trees along the edge of the lake, occasionally flying out over the lake but not dropping down to hunt. In another month many will have eggs in their nests and there will be a lot more hunting action on the lake.


The day started with Wood Ducks flying out of the lake grass

A Barred Owl came out to the edge of the lake to visit

The Barred Owl followed us down the shore for a little bit

A few Pileated Woodpeckers were jumping from one side of a canal to another looking for bugs

A Bald Eagle flew out over the lake to see what an Anhinga had just caught

This Bald Eagle had a good view of the lake

Belted Kingfisher flying quickly over the water near the shore line

Female Northern Harrier flew high up for a Harrier. They usually hunt low over tall grass.

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle taking off

Bald Eagle flying away

Another Bald Eagle in trees along the shore

Up, up and away!

Bald Eagle gliding away

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle watching out over the lake

Green Heron hiding in the weeds

Bald Eagle flying out over the lake

Bald Eagle just landed on the snag

Bald Eagle calling out to the other Eagles

Flying out over the lake

Bald Eagles flying together over the lake

Adult Bald Eagle (on the right) and an immature Bald Eagle that looks to be about 3 years old (on the left)

Immature Bald Eagle in flight

A pair of Bald Eagles (one is right behind the hanging moss)

The Bald Eagle that was “hiding” was the first to take flight

The remaining Bald Eagle watches the other fly away

It then takes flight too

Bald Eagle reaching forward to make a powerful beat of its wings

Belted Kingfisher making a quick turn


There are a lot of Bald Eagles this year. The protection programs that have been in place for many years are really working. In a few weeks they’ll be settling down in their nests to incubate their eggs. Once that happens, there will be a lot more action as one of the pair will stay while the other goes out over the lake hunting. That is something that I’ll be back out looking for!


More Eagles in Alachua County


Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive