Another Day of Eagles
You can never see too many Eagles. Today Lynn and I went back to the secret location where we observed several Adult and Immature Bald Eagles. Lots of in-flight action as well as one taking a bath and some angry Sandhill Cranes who think they’re Mob Bosses…
The Sandhill Crane family on the hunt for lunch. You’ll see in a bit what they think of Eagles
Immature Bald Eagle flying in
Concentration and wings out in full air brake mode
Touchdown in the breeze. Head feathers blowing in the wind.
Big stretch with the wings to gain speed
Gaining altitude
The shallow pond makes for a nice spot to cool off.
Adult Bald Eagle makes its landing
Adult Bald Eagle taking a bath with an Immature Bald Eagle keeping an eye on things
Splish splash I’m takin a bath
Bald Eagle with it’s Nictitating Membrane closed to protect it’s eyes as it bathes
More splashing around
Immature Bald Eagle decided it was time to end the bath as it started chasing the Adult
Another adult Bald Eagle flies into the pond
Immature Bald Eagle on landing approach
Splashdown in the pond
Immature Bald Eagle taking off with an adult watching
Adult Bald Eagle taking off before the charging Sandhill Cranes get to it
Water droplets fly as the Eagle gains altitude
“I hope I’m up high enough! Here they come!”
Even though they can jump high, the Cranes are no match for the powerful Eagle
A nearby tree makes a nice safe spot for 3 Eagles avoiding the Cranes
Adult Bald Eagle watching me from the distant tree
As I said earlier, there can never be too many Bald Eagles. They are so much fun to watch in the wild. Every encounter gives another view into their behaviors and how they interact with each other and other animals an birds around them.