Celery Fields in Sarasota, FL

We hadn’t been to the Celery Fields in Sarasota, FL in a while. After seeing some of the photos others were getting of Northern Harriers there we decided to go. It was also our 13th Anniversary so being birders, it was a great way to celebrate!


As we drove up to the park, we saw these 2 Bald Eagles sitting on a light tower.

It didn’t take long for one of the Bald Eagles to take flight while the other watched

As we parked the car, this Red Shouldered Hawk flew low to the ground as it was hunting the marsh

One of a few Roseate Spoonbills that were wading in the marsh

Green Heron looking for breakfast

Northern Harrier flying low

Northern Harrier landing on some scrub brush

Northern Harrier taking a break

Northern Harrier looking for lunch. They have very long legs that drop down when its about to pounce

Northern Harrier hovering as it searches below

Black Bellied Whistling Ducks flying around

Immature Bald Eagle making a brief appearance

Northern Harrier. You can see the “owl” look in its face here

Northern Harrier doing some preening

Preening is over. Northern Harrier taking flight

Northern Harrier looking down for lunch

Northern Harrier flying the other way

Northern Harrier making a tight banking move

Northern Harrier diving down for a closer look

Northern Harrier flying low behind the grass

Northern Harrier coming in for a landing on the scrub brush

Northern Harrier taking another break

Sandhill Cranes making a noisy flyover

Roseate Spoonbill flying in

Grey Headed Swamp Hen flying past

Great White Egret looking around as it flies in

Roseate Spoonbill flying past

Immature male House Finch


That was a lot of fun! Spending the day with Lynn shooting birds in action! We’ll be doing more of this all winter long! Check back soon to see where we go next!


Merritt Island NWR


More Eagles in Alachua County