Merritt Island NWR

The Flamingos were back at Merritt Island but by all accounts they were way far out and you needed a boat to see them. Luckily for us, our friend Pam came to the rescue! Pam and her husband invited us to go out on their boat with them. Flamingos get scared easily so we made sure that we stayed way back from them. It was amazing! After spending about an hour watching the Flamingos we went down Haulover Canal and then to Blackpoint Dr.


Finding the Flamingos was easy. Just look for the huge flock of giant White Pelicans!

The Flamingos were shuffling around looking for food in the shallow water

Flamingos are large birds, but look small compared to the White Pelicans

Time to stretch the wings!

It was mostly cloudy which made for some nice even lighting that showed off detail in the feathers

Fluffy Flamingos in front of a Brown Pelican

When two Flamingos get together the often make a heart with their necks

Watch out! I’m coming through!! Brown Pelican takes flight past the Flamingos

Grazing in front of the flock of White Pelicans

Flamingos on the move

Flamingo pretzel


Time for some preening

More preening

Almost a mirrored pair

Double preening Flamingos

I thought the one on the left was going to fly, but it was just stretching its wings

Slightly different colors on these two Flamingos

The classic one legged pose

The Flamingo on the right is trying to figure out how to get in on the game of twister the other two are playing


After the Flamingos, we went down Haulover Canal…

Osprey doing some preening after a morning of fishing

Ruddy Turnstone in flight

Brown Pelican coming in for a tree top landing

Osprey on the lookout


After docking the boat, we went through Blackpoint Dr…

A cute little Pie-billed Grebe swimming into the light

A male and Female Lesser Scaup

Long-billed Dowitcher

Killdeer hiding behind the mangroves

Wilson’s Snipe that briefly came out in the open

Roseate Spoonbill stretching its wings

Roseate Spoonbill preening

Roseate Spoonbill coming in!

It doesn’t look like the in-coming Spoonbill is being welcomed by the others

Not the friendliest of landings

Roseate Spoonbills being very vocal

The newcomer has had enough and is outta here

Spoonbills that aren’t getting along too well

Now that’s a lot of Spoonbill wings!

Roseate Spoonbill letting off some steam

Roseate Spoonbill flying away

Bald Eagle on the lookout. The behavior makes me believe that there’s an egg or two in the nest.

I see what you’re up to…

Bald Eagle settling down for a bit. You can see the eye starting to blink.


What a great day! Lots of action and some beautiful soft light most of the day as the clouds partially covered the sun. Merritt Island is truly a remarkable place that needs to be preserved from all of the growth that Florida is experiencing.


Joe Overstreet Rd


Celery Fields in Sarasota, FL