Joe Overstreet Rd

This morning I went to Joe Overstreet Rd in Kenansville, FL. It was cloudy, but perfect for Bald Eagles. Between driving in on Canoe Creek Rd and JO itself I saw 10-12 Bald Eagles. There were also a bunch of other birds there too. Check it out!


Bald Eagle eating an Armadillo with some Fish Crows

A car on the far lane away from the breakfast sent everyone into the air.

The Fish Crows seem tiny next to a Bald Eagle

The Fish Crow still has a small piece of breakfast as the Bald Eagle heads off

See the blood on the Bald Eagle’s beak?

Bald Eagle flying past

Bald Eagle racing a Fish Crow…

… and no surprise, the Bald Eagle wins!

Bald Eagle in a tree near the start of Joe Overstreet Rd

Bald Eagle peaking out from the nest. The behavior indicates that there are egg(s) there.

Bald Eagle on a horse corral fence before the lake

Wilson’s Snipe flying fast by the lake

Limpkin taking a break on a post

Great Blue Heron looking proud

Bald Eagle flying over the lake

Bald Eagle (about 3 years old) flying past

Red Bellied Woodpeckers playing on a tree by the lake

Female Northern Harrier kind of far away looking back from the lake

Sandhill Cranes flying over the lake very noisily

Belted Kingfisher using the observation deck as a lookout for little fish

Belted Kingfisher diving full speed to the water. It hit behind the weeds where I couldn’t see it.

Another look at the Bald Eagle sitting on the nest.

Crested Cara Cara on a tree near the corner of Joe Overstreet Rd and Canoe Creek Rd

There were a pair of Bald Eagles off Canoe Creek Rd as I was leaving. This one was in a pine tree…

… the other was in a nearby dead snag.


What a day! There were a lot of Bald Eagles. There seems to be a lot more than in recent years. This is so great to see! JO rarely disappoints. I can’t wait to go back again soon!


Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive


Merritt Island NWR