Green Cay
At the start of our vacation week we went to Boynton Beach, FL to visit some of the wildlife areas that are a little too far from our home to day trip to. The first spot we went to was Green Cay. In the middle of all of the development in the area is a nature preserve with a lot of Green Heron, Anhinga and Cormorant among others. A boardwalk takes you on a loop around the park.
As we walked into the park, there was a female Painted Bunting in the low trees
Not far into the park was a pair of juvenile Red Shoulder Hawks that have not yet fledged
This unusual colored Pigeon was named “Larry” by one of the local photographers
This Anhinga was trying to eat a big fish it caught
Down the hatch!
Immature Anhingas playing in the nest
Playtime is all day long for these two
Wild Iguanas are everywhere in South Florida
This Anhinga was preening. Notice the breeding coloration around the eye
A surprised looking female Anhing
Female Anhinga calling out as she flys away
Green Heron hiding in the weeds
This lone Limpkin was being very loud on the other side of a marshy area
And then the Limpkin flew off
I thought it was funny seeing the Great Blue Heron sticking its head up through the tall grass like a periscope
A lone Mottled Duck on a grassy strip
One of the juvenile Red Shouldered Hawks keeping an eye on me
On the way out as the sun was going down, there were several Painted Buntings in the low trees.
Male Painted Bunting
Male Painted Bunting
Female (left) and Male Painted Buntings
The female Painted Buntings are not colorful like the males. They blend in much better and are harder to find
Male Painted Bunting waving goodbye!
Green Cay is always a fun place to observe nature. We’ll be back again before we head home…