Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive

We got a little bit of a late start today but made it to the south Apopka eagle nest in time to see one of the adult Bald Eagles fly in with what looked like some roadkill for the Eaglet. After that, we headed over to the drive. We saw a nice mix of birds and wildlife as well as met some nice people…


The Eaglet was waiting by itself on a nearby snag

The wait was worth it as one of the adults soon returned with what looks like roadkill for breakfast

The Eaglet couldn’t wait and took flight chasing the adult

The Eaglet climbs up towards the nest

After dropping off breakfast in the nest for the Eaglet, the adult moved over to a nearby branch

The adult Bald Eagle stands watch while the Eaglet eats

After eating, the Eaglet moved off the nest…

… and then flew off to the far side of the field across the street from the nest

This Little Blue Heron caught a crawfish

The Little Blue Heron made short work of the crawfish

Baby Alligator

The look of a future apex predator

In the middle of the baby Alligators was this Black-crowned Night Heron

Baby Alligator playing you can’t see me in the weeds

It was kind of far away, but this Osprey is about to hit the water in hopes of catching a fish

Green Herons usually sit on branches just above the water. This one was right in the water watching me

Great Blue Heron family

The juvenile Great Blue Herons are starting to look like mini versions of the adults

With mohawks up high, the juveniles await lunch

Gimme some food!


What showed on the weather as being a cloudy, rainy day, turned out to be really nice. With the next week being a vacation week, there should be some fun adventures ahead! Stay tuned…


Green Cay


Joe Overstreet Road