Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive
You can’t drive through Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive during the week, but you can ride your bike so I did. I went through the drive the “normal way” then back tracked a bit and went down some other trails that are not a part of the drive. I’m not sure exactly where I was, but I came across a group of trees that had some small birds that I did not expect to see today.
Even though this is just two ordinary male Anhingas, I like the painterly look to the shot.
Female Anhinga
Barn Swallow flying past a Cat-tail
Barn Swallow
Barn Swallow slowing down for a landing
Red-shoulderd Hawk
This Protonotary Warbler was hiding in the trees off one of the trails that I had no idea where I was
An American Redstart was in those same trees. It would not stay still so I had more missed shots than I care to admit.
This Black and White Warbler was also in the trees. While quick, it was a bit easier to get a shot of.
American Redstart
Black and White Warbler jumping from branch to branch
Black and White Warbler
There were several Swallow-tailed Kites hunting as I got back closer to the Pump House. As usual, they stayed away until I put my camera away.
Pretty quiet day today but I did see a few of the small birds that you don’t see often and are hard to get a shot of. It was also nice to be out on my bike. It’ll be great later this year when the migratory birds return and I can go out during the week when there aren’t many other people around.