Merritt Island NWR
Today was one of the hottest days of the summer. We got to the refuge early for the best light and before the heat really kicked in. After meeting up with our friend Pam, we went through Black Point Drive, Bairs Cove and Biolab Rd. There were mostly Green Herons and a few others
This Eastern Glass Lizard was sunning itself on Black Point Drive. I’ve never seen one of these before. They’re a leg-less lizard that looks like a snake.
Great Blue Heron standing on the roof of the shelter near the restrooms
One of several Green Herons in the trees near the restrooms
Green Heron
Green Heron doing a staring contest
Green Heron stretching its wings
Not the best photo of a juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron
Green Heron looking into the light
Immature Green Heron
Immature Green Heron with its “baby fuzz”
Immature Green Heron taking flight
Red Tailed Hawk lifting off from a snag
Even though it was hot, we had a great time being out in nature. By late morning it was too hot for us and the wildlife so we had lunch with Pam and her husband Jeff. A great way to finish the day!