Merritt Island

Today my wife and I went to Merritt Island NWR. We didn’t expect to see much as it’s been really hot and there aren’t any of the migratory birds here this time of year. The majority of what we saw were Osprey and Green Herons. Still a fun day and we got to shoot with our friend Pam who we haven’t seen in a few months.


The Tri-colored Heron got left off the intro, but was about the only bird on the Wild Birds Unlimited trail. It looks as though its doing finger pushups off the water.

This was one of many Green Herons near the restrooms.

Green Heron landing on a tree

This Least Bittern was in bad light and then moved very quickly to the shadows in the trees. It was very briefly in an opening where some dappled sunlight fell on it.

After leaving the restroom area we came across another Green Heron out in the bright sunlight with nice layering of the branches behind it.

As the Green Heron flew away, it made the unmistakable Green Heron sounds.

Biolab Road had quite a few Osprey. Usually they’re really skittish. Today they just sat there eating, occasionally looking up to see who’s watching and then continued to eat.

This Osprey was multitasking, Eating its fish and getting all puffy to help dry off.

Osprey taking a moment to finish drying off by flapping its wings.


Anytime we can get out into nature and spend time together with friends is a great day. Can’t wait for the next one!


Hummingbirds in my Backyard


Joe Overstreet Road