Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive
It’s been a while since I have been to Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive. Today was a nice, sunny morning. Perfect for taking out the e-bike and seeing what birds were out. Mostly the usual residents doing what they do…
Tri-colored Heron flying past at the beginning of the drive
Little Blue Heron lifting out of the water and flying straight at me
Great Blue Heron coning in for a landing
Black-crowned Night Heron…
…and another Black-crowned Night Heron right nearby
Female Anhingas in the morning sun
The immature Great Blue Herons are almost fully grown up
Great Blue Heron hunting in the tall grass
Speedy Barn Swallow making a turn
Meal delivery coming in for the immature Barn Swallow
Barn Swallow flying low over the road
Barn Swallow diving off the post
Barn Swallow
Barn Swallow with a full wing and tail spread as it flys past
Red Shouldered Hawk calling out to another that was on a pole about 500 feet away
Black-crowned Night Heron flying overhead
It was fun to be back at Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive. Even when the migratory winter birds are gone, it’s still fun to be out early and riding through during the week when there’s no cars. It makes it a very relaxing time in nature.