Fort Desoto

This past Tuesday I went to Fort Desoto at sunrise. The light was beautiful and went from a soft early sun glow to nice bright morning sun. The Reddish Egret was out too having fun with a friend, a Red Breasted Merganser.


The light at sunrise gives a nice, soft feel to the Reddish Egret in the shallow water near the beach

Reddish Egret looking somewhat intensely at a Greater Yellow-legs sharing the shallow water

The Reddish Egret decided to move on

Snowy Egret watching the water roll in near the beach

Greater Yellow-legs staring back at me

As the sun gets up a little higher, the colors start popping more around the Greater Yellow-legs

Back to the Reddish Egret searching for breakfast

The wind blown “mane” of a hunting Reddish Egret

A Great White Egret lands into the sunlight

Reddish Egret dragging its feet as it takes off

A Least Tern flies quickly past

Osprey taking a bath in the shallow water

A very wet Osprey takes off after its bath, hoping to quickly air dry in flight

A Little Blue Heron on the hunt

A Laughing Gull taking off from the beach

A Black Skimmer doing what it does best, skim the water for fish keeping its longer lower beak in the water

Great White Egret taking flight as the Reddish Egret strolls in the background

The Reddish Egret is getting more animated in its hunting

The tiny fish on the right is swimming for its life as the Reddish Egret and Red Breasted Merganser (under water right behind the fish) chase it down

The Red Breasted Merganser paused it search for breakfast to pose

The Red Breasted Merganser does a nice wing flap for me

Red Breasted Merganser doing some preening

Red Breasted Merganser directing the band

Red Breasted Merganser doing a shake to dry off and fluff out its feathers

Red Breasted Merganser. The females and immature males look about the same as this one. The males have a darker head.

You can see the little teeth on the top part of the bill here. The teeth help the Merganser hold onto fish.

The Reddish Egret doesn’t seem happy that the Red Breasted Merganser caught a fish right in front of it

Reddish Egret doing its hunting dance in front of the Red Breasted Merganser

The intense look of a fishing splash down

Downy Woodpecker in a tree between the beach and picnic area

Mama Osprey is napping on her eggs as dad looks at me with a bit of attitude.


Fort Desoto is a great place to watch and photographer birds as the sun is coming up. The light is gorgeous and the birds are very entertaining!


Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive


Merritt Island NWR